Life Pages — Struggle

Desert of Me

Desert of Me

I've spent most of my life wandering through the desert, this empty wasteland that lives inside me. My eyes distracted by every fleshly mirage that pulls their attention, my mind like a wavering wind that can't decide if it's hot or cold, my heart starving for what's beyond the nothing that lays in front of me.I'd be lying if I said I know where I'm headed, I don't. I just get up and walk, one foot in front of the other, suspicious with every step that I've circled this path a thousand times before. Sometimes I believe there's an oasis...

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Flaw Stone

Flaw Stone

All of us have a piece of us that is lost. Somewhere beneath all the wreckage that lies inside, we're looking for that compass to point us back towards purpose. But purpose begins when you stop trying to satisfy yourself, and start working to be satisfied WITH yourself. When you let go of simply chasing desires, and instead desire to be something worth chasing. The truth is; the best version of YOU is the only thing the world will ever need from you. Go discover it. Understand that He who made you weaved an intricate design all the way to...

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Where to Put the Period

Where to Put the Period

A heavy heart is a difficult thing to express. To take an infinite, unbearable weight and fit it into a sanely formed sentence that must end with a period... just seems like madness. Especially when you know the pain will undoubtedly go beyond the period. For most of us, it’s hard to find that pause. To bring the rambling inside us to a final point and take a breath.   Perhaps that's why so many of us seem to have slipped into madness. It’s not that we’re crazy, we’ve just been hurting for so long with no one listening that...

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Live Like a Child

Live Like a Child

I've tried to trace my trouble back to the day where it all started. Like footsteps in my mind I've followed it back. Hoping somewhere along the way I'd eventually stumble across that very first print. Like a crater in the dirt, old and barely recognizable. A hollow hole that once held the sole of my feet, and some other forgotten memory. My first moment of compromise. The one decision that sent this life of mine spiraling into the whirlwind of chaos it became. I haven't found it yet... that footprint. Sometimes it feels like I've been looking longer than...

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